Tic Tac Toe


The below exercises will be completed within REMIX. Navigate to: https://remix.ethereum.org

1. Create the contract and initial storage variables, line 1-15

pragma solidity 0.4.24;

contract TicTacToe {

    address public player1_;
    address public player2_;

    /** The game board itself
     * 0, 1, 2
     * 3, 4, 5
     * 6, 7, 8
    address[9] private gameBoard_;

2. Create a function to allow a game to be started, line 16-19

function startGame(address _player1, address _player2) external {
    player1_ = _player1;
    player2_ = _player2;

3. Now players need to be able to take a turn, specifying where they want to place their x or o, line 21-25

  • create a function to allow this
 * @notice Take your turn, selecting a board location
 * @param _boardLocation Location of the board to take
function takeTurn(uint256 _boardLocation) external {}

4. Mark the board, within the takeTurn function update the gameBoard array, line 26

gameBoard_[_boardLocation] = msg.sender;

5. Add a function to return the contents of the game board, line 29-31

function getBoard() external view returns(address[9]) {
    return gameBoard_;

6. Give it a shot! Try starting a game and taking turns, watch as the game board’s indexes are filled

  • Now take a look, what problems do you notice?
  • Did you have some time to play with the contract?
  • Any big issues come up?


What problems currently exist with this?

  • Anyone can take turns!
  • A player can overwrite a spot that has already been taken
  • A player may take many turns in a row, alternating must be enforced

Let’s tackle these problems first!

7. Require that only player 1 or player 2 may take turns, within the takeTurn function line 26

require(msg.sender == player1_ || msg.sender == player2_, "Not a valid player.");

8. Add a pre condition check to confirm the spot on the board is not already taken, within the takeTurn function line 27

require(gameBoard_[_boardLocation] == 0, "Spot taken!");

9. Add a storage variable to track who just took a turn, line 8

address public lastPlayed_;

10. Following a turn being taken update the storage variable, within the takeTurn function line 31

lastPlayed_ = msg.sender;

11. Check that the same player is not trying to take another turn, within the takeTurn function line 29

require(msg.sender != lastPlayed_, "Not your turn.");

Try taking turns now! More restricted / protected?



What else do we need to fix?

How about a conclusion to the game?

Let’s look into how we can compute a winner

12. First define which combinations within the game board, which indexes, define a “win”, line 35-49

 * Winning filters:
 * 0, 1, 2
 * 3, 4, 5
 * 6, 7, 8
 * 3 in a row:
 * [0,1,2] || [3,4,5] || [6,7,8]
 * 3 in a column:
 * [0,3,6] || [1,4,7] || [2,5,8]
 * Diagonals:
 * [0,4,8] || [6,4,2]

13. Create a function to compute a winner and implement these combintations as filters to filter the board with, line 50-56

function isWinner(address player) private view returns(bool) {
    uint8[3][8] memory winningFilters = [
        [0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],  // rows
        [0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],  // columns
        [0,4,8],[6,4,2]           // diagonals

14. Create a for loop to iterate over each filter, within the isWinner function line 57-59

for (uint8 i = 0; i < winningFilters.length; i++) {
    uint8[3] memory filter = winningFilters[i];

15. Add a storage variable to define the winner, line 9

address public winner_;

16. Within the above for loop compare each filter against the game board and see if the player has won with their latest turn, line 60-66

if (
    gameBoard_[filter[0]]==player &&
    gameBoard_[filter[1]]==player &&
) {
    return true;

17. At the end of the takeTurn function, after each turn is taken see if there is a winner, update the storage variable if there is a winner, line 35-37

if (isWinner(msg.sender)) {
    winner_ = msg.sender;

Try it out! See if the winner is set if 3 in a row is found


Are we done?

… still a few problems

  • Turns can still continue to be taken, no notification that the game has ended
  • What happens in the case of a draw?

18. Add a storage variable to signify the game has ended, line 10

bool public gameOver_;

19. If a winner was found update that the game has ended, within the takeTurn function line 38

gameOver_ = true;

20. Add a storage variable to count how many turns have been taken, will use this variable to define if a draw has occured, line 11

uint256 public turnsTaken_;

21. After a turn is taken update the turns taken storage variable, within the takeTurn function line 36


22. Add a conditional that if 9 turns have been taken the game has ended with no winner, within the takeTurn function line 41-43

else if (turnsTaken_ == 9) {
    gameOver_ = true;

23. Add a last pre condition check that the game is still active, within the takeTurn function line 30

require(!gameOver_, "Sorry game has concluded.");

Try it out!!

  1. Start a game with account 1 and 2
  2. Take turns back and forth
    • view turns taken are updating the game board
    • view no winner yet
    • view game has not ended
  3. View that the winner has been set
  4. View that the game has ended
  5. Try and take another turn and view the output in Remix’s console

OK how about a friendly wager!

24. Add a storage variable to hold the placed wagers, line 12

mapping(address => uint256) public wagers_;

25. Add a function to allow the players to place a wager, line 82-86

function placeWager() external payable {
    require(msg.sender == player1_ || msg.sender == player2_, "Not a valid player.");
    wagers_[msg.sender] = msg.value;

26. Update the logic if a winner is found to transfer all the value to them, within the takeTurn function line 43


27. Update the logic to refund the value if a draw has occured, within the takeTurn function line 46-47


Go play! Earn some ETH.

  • As above Final solution may be found here


  • What happens when a new game wants to be started in the same contract?
  • How to allow this? When to allow this? Reset storage variables?